Main Features
- Fully Responsive and Customizable.
- Unlimited main items and sub items can be added.
- Sticky Profile.
- CSS3 and jQuery Animations Enabled.
- Material Design Iconic Fonts.
- Background dim-overlay when menu open
- Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE7+, IOS, Android and windows phone supported.
- User Friendly and Easy to Implement.
Save Time to Quickly Customize
You can highly customize this navigation system without investing time in modifications of code.
1. jSide Menu Skin
Choose the theme for the menu:
Plain Color
Gradient Color
2. Menubar Position
Choose the menubar position:
- Fixed on Top
- Static
3. Menu Container Position
Choose the suitable position for menu container.
Generated Script
Copy and paste it into document ready function.
$(".menu-container").jSideMenu({ jSidePosition: "position-left", jSideSticky: true, jSideSkin: "default-skin", });
Browsers Compatability
Best view on Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and UC Desktop Browser